The Labyrinth Blanket from Zuzunaga

Labyrinth Blanket ColorsVery rarely do I fall in love with a simple blanket. However when I saw the Labyrinth Blanket I truly couldn’t stop thinking about it. The combination of colors and pattern is incredible.

These blankets are part of the bitmap collection from Zuzunaga, a company based out of Barcelona and London.  Essentially the blanket has this pixel pattern that really comes through with the use of contrasting colors.

There are actually 4 colors to choose from in this collection. Personally, my favorite is ‘Deep Orange’. It is the most vibrant use of colors and I think it is by far the most fun.

Labyrinth Blanket 4 ColorsI love the use of the pixel pattern all the more because I am a product of the 80’s. Seeing things like this brings up memories of our old apple computer, or playing Atari as often as possible. Those neon like colors only increase the memories from the decade.

According to Zuzunaga, if you focus on the blanket and zoom out 100 times, you will start to see the landscape image used to create these patterns.

If you are interested in one of these blankets, remember that they are not based out of the US. So it may take some time to receive these pieces, however it is totally worth it.

Want to see more from Zuzunaga? Check out their site, and be sure to check out the items from their Bitmap collection.

Written by Rhiannon Gillis. Rhiannon is a designer based out of Los Angeles and writes for the design blog

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